Start of Bachelor Industrial Design at TU Eindhoven
Course at TU Eindhoven. Completed with an 8 (out of 10) as overall grade.
D·E Chalice
Video for the course Business Design. Still being used as an example of an excellent video.

Applied Physical Sciences
Course at TU Eindhoven. Completed with an 8 (out of 10) as overall grade.
User-centred Design
Course at TU Eindhoven. Completed with an 8 (out of 10) as overall grade.

Creative Electronics
Course at TU Eindhoven. Completed with an 9 (out of 10) as overall grade.

Adaptive Mobility: Autonomous Vehicle System Interaction Design
Half-year project on developing an autonomous vehicle interior with a strong focus on system interaction design. The goal of this project is to enable new possibilities in the light of human-machine interaction, and to reduce motion sickness for rear-facing passengers. This project is part of a collaboration between Eindhoven University of Technology and Daimler AG.

Practicing exploratory sketching

Student Assistant at TU Eindhoven
Assisting PhD candidate Xu Lin with Industrial Design research (4 months).
Data Analytics for Engineers
Course at TU Eindhoven. Completed with an 8 (out of 10) as overall grade.
Start of PMG v.o.f.
Overarching company for entrepreneurial exploration and administration:

Seamless Interaction Design: Peripheral Interactions for Professionals
Half-year design and research project on peripheral interaction design. Ambient lighting is used to shift system transparency along the interaction-attention continuum, using a thermostat as an artefact.

Making Sense of Sensors
Course at TU Eindhoven. Completed with an 8 (out of 10) as overall grade.
UX Design Research Intern at Boeing Global Services
Four-month internship at Boeing Global Services, department of Digital Solutions & Analytics (DS&A) in Frankfurt am Main. Worked at the Research & Rapid Development (R&RD) division with a team of talented researchers.

Co-founder at Sentièl Watches
Start of e-commerce startup with a focus on social advertising:

Graduation Project: Designing Phased Control Transition in Automated Vehicles
My objective is to design an interface to improve transitioning vehicle control from computer to human. I focus on increasing the driver’s understanding and take-over performance by allowing the driver to prepare for a possible take-over.
Student Assistant at TU Eindhoven
Tutor for the course Data Analytics for Engineers.
Sentièl Watches: An Analysis from a Design Innovation Methods’ Perspective
Paper for the course Design Innovation Methods. Graded with an 8 (out of 10).
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design (BSc)
Minor in Technology Entrepreneurship (TU Eindhoven) and internship at The Boeing Company.
Bachelor of Technology Entrepreneurship (BSc CTE)
Extracurricular Certificate Program at the Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences at TU Eindhoven.
Start of Master Strategic Product Design at TU Delft
Communications Student Assistent at TU Delft
Academic Coach at Erasmus University
In addition to the timeline, a selection of projects are grouped by area of expertise.